Xenonauts 2 reddit
Xenonauts 2 reddit

Coming from XCOM 2, really frustrated by inability to vault over waist-high rocks. Unfortunately, before I really understand that, I kinda have coverage around 75 of the World. So, in order to advance the story, I need to raid a alien base. Never liked the fact that you really didn't have different strategies for dealing with different alien types in the old games(Chryssalids excluded), so, I'm crossing my fingers the various species get some more unique behaviours and/or abilities. So, I may have been a bit too effective (first time playing, read plenty of tips though, and a few restart because I dont understand much then). I imagine items will fix that later on, at least partially. It was basically just a matter of forcing the aliens to come to you, shooting the ones that came close. The demo was really plain, strategy wise. Really didn't like the fact that I had to look at the guide every few seconds in the old games, and don't see the point of keeping the obfuscation in a spiritual remake. I really want to know what's the chance of triggering overwatch fire, what's the shot spread for the various weapons, stuff like that. My opinions? Needs more feedback on your actions. trees between you and the target significantly affect accuracy). Cover indicators are pretty nice, but there's still a lot of factors to it that are not obvious (i.e. Bastards seem to have better accuracy than your dudes, but don't always one shot. The only bug I encountered was when I captured an alien leader the game registered it as dead instead of captured, but this fixed itself after I. It is still undergoing maintenance, balance adjustments and some bug fixes. Seems even harder to hit anything than in the classics, takes two shots to take down the sectoid analogue, even more for the officer ayys. Xenonauts The game is pretty solid compared to most other early access games, and it is almost officially completed. Graphics could use a lot of work and a whole lot of optimization (again, early alpha), but what little music there is is right on the spot. Feels very much like the old games, even including the janky parts. It's just one mission, no random map generation yet, no items on your dudes besides guns and ammo, two very similar alien species. The demo is obviously at a very early stage of development. Didn't even complete a proper campaign in the old games. Well, as a preface, I am not much of a classic XCOM player. The Arc Blade, the Tier 2 sword, is unlocked after the autopsy is completed.I just downloaded it and went through it. Since they are more durable than normal Troopers, the implications are such that the aliens bear some "genetic frugality" about them. The autopsy reveals that the Stun Lancers are extremely high on combat stims, which contorts the faces into hideous grins after death. Remember, however, that a strong offense is the best defence thanks to their reckless behavior, and a grenade to their cover followed by a shot will put them down as easily as any other ADVENT trooper. If all else fails or XCOM is training rookies, massed Overwatch fire will almost certainly kill them. Their Will is generally low, allowing Psi Operatives to mind control them, and perhaps even knock other enemies unconscious. Frost Bombs from a Grenadier are quite effective in halting them, and Psi Operatives with Stasis can freeze them to be killed later. Their later forms have increased stats and an armor point, but their arrivals typically coincide with the unlocking of Magnetic and Plasma weaponry, allowing them to be dealt with.Ī decent counter is a Ranger with Blademaster, but early Stun Lancers come before the arrival of XCOM Captains. Stun Lancers evolve into Heavy Lancers and Elite Lancers as time passes. They will use it in the unlikely event that they cannot move far enough to enter melee range. Should they miss, however, they inevitably leave themselves wide open to attack.Īlthough their AI makes them use their Shock Lance at any opportunity, they are also equipped with a regular Magnetic Rifle, which deals 3-4 damage. Worse yet, the Shock Lance can inflict Disorientation, Stunned, or even Unconsciousness on their victim, with the latter effectively killing them for the duration of the mission. They charge forward to attack in melee like XCOM's Rangers, except with a Shock Lance that deals 2-4 damage. Stun Lancers are infamous for their total disregard for their own safety, ignoring cover, overwatch, or any other potential hazards in a single-minded attempt to close in for the kill. They are moderately durable with 4-8 health, difficulty dependent. The Stun Lancer is a specialist ADVENT soldier wielding an electrically-charged baton/sword (allegedly meant for riot control) and a magnetic rifle. Mag Rifle (5-6 damage), Shock Lance (8-10 damage)

Xenonauts 2 reddit